A Brief Overview of Servomechanism Arthritis
Android Health Watch
Health Maintenance
Expert Liliphon
Servomechanism Arthritis (SA) is a chronic disease, mainly characterized by
breaking down of the electrical motors in Servo joints, primarily found in the
fingers and knees.  It can lead to a complete loss of function of the affected
area, resulting in paralyzation and, depending upon the activity the Android is
performing at the time, an emergency visit from a Technician.

Cases of SA are usually found in aging Androids who have had little access to
proper maintenance.  To cut costs, employers do not offer Health
Maintenance coverage to their Android employees.  Most companies feel that
once the Android's warranty expires, it is cheaper to dismiss the Android and
hire a newer model, rather than aide in the repair and maintenance of the
Android already employed and performing the position.  This has lead to
thousands of Androids going without proper tune ups, upgrades, and

Treatment for SA can range from simple Servo joint lubrication, to more
serious replacement surgery.  The surgery itself can be costly, as it often
requires a team of specialists.  On top of the replacement of the joint, another
specialist in synthetic skin repair is necessary.  With poor skin reattachment,
pockets of air may form which can obstruct movement.  In some cases these
pockets gather lubrication, requiring oil-letting to relieve the pressure.  
Another downside to the surgery is it requires being shut down for two or more
days, depending upon the severity of the case.  This causes Androids to miss
work and, in most cases, they are let go due to their absence.

The best approach to avoiding Servomechanism Arthritis is to have regular
tune ups and see a Technician often.  If you are a member of the Android
Undead Union, you may be eligible to receive free aide for the care and
maintenance of SA.
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