Bradley Johnson began his career at Syphton 2 University in his
sophomore year, transferring from Boeing-Frito Lay-CVS/pharmacy
College of Duluth. He came as part of a student exchange in an
effort to encourage more advertising dollars from Earth to aid in
funding the local economy. Through this program the University
acquired many prestigious students, numerous acclaimed faculty,
and 57 Starbucks.
At Syphton 2 U, Bradley continued his education in the
Conservative Arts, focusing on the field of Astrophysics. Bradley
chose his area of expertise as Particle Physics when he reached
the highest recorded score ever for Asteroids.
Shortly after his arrival, Bradley aligned himself with the Pi Kappa
Kappa Beta Nu Fraternity, one of the many illustrious fraternities
associated with Sphyton 2 University. Here he excelled and soon
became an officer within the organization, serving as "Sorority
Liaison" to both the Delta Lambda Delta Lambda Nu and the
Gamma Gamma Gamma Sigma Pi Soroities.
It was at a Greek Week party in the fall of 2105 that Bradley lead
the participants in what is referred to as a "Beer Bong Contest"
against fellow Fraternity House, Zeta Theta Chi Psi Phi. In the
throws of tough competition, and on the verge of losing his title,
Bradley consumed what has been described by witnesses as "more
beer than you can fit in an Olympic sized pool" and woke up the
next morning to realize he had a terrible hangover and was Undead.
Still a top student at Syphton 2 University (since funding is based
upon grades, so faculty are generous on the grading scale)
Bradley continues to aspire to make a difference in the Universe.