Frances Delphinus
Employee Statistics:
Earth Native
Birthdate: September 18, 2088
100% Carbon Based Life Form
Brown Hair, Hazel Eyes
Cow Gall Bladder

Father's Family Name:  Delphinus (Earthling)
Mother's Family Name: Delphinus (Earthling)
Although Jefferson Davis Delphinus, himself, never married, the Delphinus legacy has
been carried on by d
escendants of his brother, Alexander Stephen Delphinus.  Frances
is the daughter of Alexander Stephen Delphinus, Jr. (also known as "Little Alek") and his
mistress/cousin, Varina Delphinus.  Frances is the ninth
or tenth (it's been forgotten
which) of seventeen siblings,
and one of only three who has 100% Delphinus blood in
their veins.

Raised on the Moon of Montgomery
, Frances spent most of her youth in the back of a
closet.  She was primarily ignored by her family members and actually was lost at the
supermarket for two years before anyone realized she was missing.  She spent her
early teen years in private schools.  She shared classrooms with other children of the
brilliantly wealthy who were born during a time when having an abundance of children
was a sign of virility and prestige to the world, proving you had the money to support
them all.  Conveniently it was not mandatory for the parents to actually raise the
children themselves, which created a boom in the Android Child Care Industry.

When Frances was in her late teens, it was decided she had no skills to pursue in
college.  She was put in charge of a string of companies, including a several oil and
energy companies, which were only spared from bankruptcy by her family name and
Little Alek's Saudi investors.  Running out of places to put her, and with no potential
marriage on the horizon, her mother, Varina, appealed to John Sandford, the current
CEO of D.I.P.S.  In a gesture to keep the name Delphinus alive within the company, and
thanks to a very persuasive meeting with Varina, Frances has been given her last
chance to make good and is currently working as an Intern under Silas Throckmartin, a
Shipping Coordinator, Level R Management.
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