Fred Dekom

The Empiricist                   Supporting                    Phosphorous Alights
Three Sopranos                   Co-Star                              Brain McCole
Daily News                         Lead                                Floren Ford
Jack in the Box                  Supporting                             Rita Riggs
Blind Justice                     Co-Star                                 Gino Cox
Deliverance of Jerry Singer       Co-Star                           Thomas Brennan
Saab Story                       Supporting                             Joseph May
300 Seconds                       Co-Star                  
Comic Book                        Co-Star                              Rob Wofford
Seven Words                      Supporting                            Ed Broaddus
THEATRE (*indicates Lead Role)

Teahouse of the August Moon    Capt. McLean                         Rich Aguello
The Rabbit Trap                  *Michael                          Martin Barter
Blackout                         *David                             Patrick Wood
A Thousand Clowns                *Murray                           Martin Barter
Daryl Atkins                  Attorney General                          Ali Kahn
(abbreviated list of venues as I did this
for 14 years 1982-96)

The Ice House - Pasadena
Punchline - Atlanta
Igby's - Los Angeles
Comedy Store- Los Angeles
Catch a Rising Star- New York
Spellbinders - Houston
The Improv - Los Angeles
Laff Stop - Claremont

Sanford Meisner Center for the Arts
School of Acting (1995-1997) Graduate

Martin Barter, under the supervision
of Sanford Meisner

Dialects:  Southern, Chicago, New York, Spanish.
Improvisation, Motorcycling (Honda CBRF2)
Firearms (shotgun, rifle, pistol) Ocean
Kayaking, Racquetball, Snow, Water& Jet Skiiing,
Able to walk and chew gum simultaneously.
SAG (e)
Height:  5'9"
Weight:  155lbs
Hair:  Blonde
Eyes:  Blue
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