Gangee, also known as Gerald Gangreen, spent his life as a salesman of
2 inch plastic elbow piping. He married in 2088 due to a pregnancy scare.
However, when it turned out the his new wife's Llasa Apso had actually
been impregnated by a neighbor's Rottweiler, and not his prize winning
Brichon Frise, Vanilla Blossom, Gangee pawned the diamond ring and
promptly moved out of state.
Gangee spent nearly two decades traveling the United Imperial States of
Earth selling his plastic elbows and lecturing on the dangers of hangnails.
He was quite well known for his insistence on applying hand lotion at
regular 2 hour intervals, and bought the product by the gallon. In an ironic
twist, he was struck and killed by a driver who refused to hold onto the
steering wheel while driving because she had just received a manicure.
New to the Undead Community, Gangee immediately volunteered for
service with the Android Undead Union Local #34. Eager to help, and to
meet all of the women who had ever encouraged him to "drop dead,"
Gangee was recruited by Carl, the Supreme Representative, Undead
Agent, to join Armagon on the newly formulated Plan 76.29.112Q
(aka "get DIPS"). An energetic go-getter with a door-to-door salesman
mentality seemed ideal to pair up with the Military trained Armagon.