Movies & the Movement
The truth is that since the mid-20th Century, started mainly in what was then the United States
and Great Britain, chemically altered food has become the mainstay of all society. Preservatives
designed to give longer shelf life to food so that it could fit into the society's "busy" schedules
which no longer allowed for fresh vegetables or fruits, homemade breads, or hand-made
natural-based foods of any kind, became the staple in human diets. The pre-packaged, freeze
dried, preservative-packed foods absorbed into the body and started to slow the human aging
process. So, when the individual would die from an accident, disease, or some other event that
would stop the heart and lungs, the brain would remain functioning and able to use the other
working organs to create a state of Undead existence. The mere fact that no natural food eating
Vegan (steroids in meat being the largest contributor to Afterlife longevity) has never become
Undead, should be enough evidence. So the question remains, why would scientists want to
disavow these facts? Simple. The prejudices against the Undead Community run deep. The
Living do not want to admit to themselves that their diets will destine them for an Undead Afterlife.
Then they'd have to face what they believe to be a fate worse than death, that they will become a
"Zombie." A vile term used by the Living in hate, highlighting their prejudice and ignorance.
How attitudes derived from "Night of the Living Dead" just won't die.
Editorial Commentary by Rhonda Patterson
Approaching 140 years since it's original release,
"Night of the Living Dead" remains the pinnacle of
misinformation about the Undead Community that it
was in the late 20th Century. Where it might
appear on the outside to be a good natured horror
film designed for giddy titillation of it's Living
Audiences, those of us Undead who continue to
battle for our place in this society, know that its
message goes much deeper. Perpetuating the
fallacies, rumors and lies surrounding us cannot
be chalked up to simple entertainment. When we
allow such prejudices to be fluffed off as harmless,
our community's growth and acceptance suffers.
Of course, the first grossly misrepresented fact that is the
driving motivation of the Undead portrayed in the film is the
desire to devour human flesh. I don't even know where to
begin to attack this lie. Certainly we do not eat the flesh of
human beings any more than a Living human does. To toss
us into a category of savages is the first step in the Living
Community's attempts to de-humanize us and make us
animals so they can justify withholding our rights in this
society. The fact stands that the Undead Community enjoys
man-made food products. Anything that is heavily
processed and full of preservatives is the recommended diet
of the Undead as it helps sustain our afterlife and slow the
brain deterioration. More on that in a moment.
Secondly, the stiff mobility of the Undead couldn't
be further from the truth. Thanks to Rigor Mortis
Defying injections (RMDs), we maintain our fluidity
in movement upon entering the afterlife until the
actomyosin complex is broken down in the body
and the muscles become "soft" again. Where we
DO face an easier loss of limbs or other externally
attached parts, Undead people move about with
ease. Need we remind the Living Community that
it was an Undead ice skating pair who took the
silver in the last Winter NBC/Office
Depot/Panasonic/WalMart Olympics?
Now let's address the ludicrousness of the notion proposed in the film that radiation from the planet Venus
caused all of the recently deceased to come to "life." Most Living humans will tell you that they have at
least dismissed the idea that radiation could come from Venus after it was settled in 2077. However, the
radiation theory is still seriously discussed by scientists even today, now blaming radiation from the early
21st Century wars that encompassed all of the Middle East, Asia, and North America as the cause.
Sadly, what have we learned from this? That
the film, "Night of the Living Dead" continues in
popularity today as a way to fuel the fire of
prejudice and make Living people feel superior
in who they are, and how they treat the Undead.
But, as a 15 year member of the Undead
Community, I have had the pleasure of seeing
many of the stout Anti-Undead activists,
speakers, and political figures meet their maker
and wake up on the pale-faced side of the
Living coin. What a moment of pure justice
watching them switch sides when the realize
their "life's" work has now set them up for an
Afterlife of struggling for acceptance. If only all
prejudices had such satisfying closure.