Suzzie Sawyer
Employee Statistics:
Earth Native
Birthdate: April 22, 2088
100% Carbon Based Life Form
Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes
Sunny Disposition Implants

Father's Family Name:  Sawyer (Earthling)
Mother's Family Name:  Thatcher (Earthling)
Chosen from thousands of applications due to the glowing reviews from her teachers,
her bubbly and energetic personality, and the fact that she was the only candidate to
arrive at her initial interview sober,
Suzzie Sawyer earned her place in the DIPS
College Credit Internship Program.

"When I found out I was sooo happy!  It was between this and building Dwellings for
Deadbeats on the Far East side of Venus, but I'm allergic to swamp gases so that was
out.  And besides, who wants to wear those Asbestos Atmo-Suits when you can wear
pink each and every day!"

Motivated by her mother go get her M.R.S. Degree before she is 21, Suzzie also
believes working for DIPS could be a long term goal.  She enjoys working for Silas
Throckmartin who always motivates her to do better and better.  Definitely promotion
Suzzie says she isn't concerned one way or the other because all of her time
at DIPS is important to her.
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