A.U. Local #34 Supreme Representatives
Supreme Representative, Android Agent
Carl Markowitzki
Supreme Representative, Undead Agent
In 2077 Carl choked to death on a defective Lifesaver
bereft of the candy's trademark hole. His Living wife sued
the Wrigley company and was granted millions in a
settlement. Never seeing a cent of the money, Carl was
launched into membership with the Android Undead
Union, Local #34 and has lobbied on several occasions
for clauses in wills to include a loophole if the person
does, indeed, become Undead, so they can maintain
control of their Living Holdings.
His first appointed position within the Union was
Sergeant-at-Arms in 2081. Carl became a well known
figurehead after he thwarted the attempts of two Living
Persons from infiltrating a meeting with the intent on
obtaining inside information on the Union's plans to
boycott local grocery stores, walk out on low wage jobs at
Wal-K-Target Mart, and to start a softball league.
Having lost some brain capacity due to his suffocation,
Carl's rise to Supreme Representative has been a
testament to the Undead Community's constant sticking
together, no matter how much the brain decays, limbs fall
off, or the flesh rots.
Created in 2021 as a Negotiating Android to aide
what was then the United States of America in dealing
with foreign governments, Taeron's services became
unnecessary once the country seized control of all of
the world's assets under one umbrella government,
the United Imperial States of Earth. Taeron spent a
decade hiding from the round ups of rogue Androids,
lucky enough to use his "Everyman" appearance to
evade capture. Outraged by the treatment he saw
thrust upon others like him, Taeron became one of
the founding members of the Android Union in 2042
(it would be another 20 years before the Undead
would become part of the union)
Taeron's achievements are vast. Most notable has
been his creation of Android Replenishing Treatment
Centers designed so those with obsolete or run down
parts could have a place to go to upgrade. He also is
credited with breaking down barriers for Androids to
find work outside of their original programming,
establishing funds for Androids who are, by U.I.S.E.
standards "unemployable," and adding the foosball
table to the Union's break room.