Jeff van Hoy
Height:  5'10"
Weight:  155lbs
Hair:  Brown
Eyes:  Brown
Voice:  Baritone
Height:  5'10"
Weight:  155lbs
Hair:  Brown
Eyes:  Brown
Voice:  Baritone
Spartan                                                   Dayplayer                                  David Mamet- Spartan Pictures
Mind Your Manners                                 Dayplayer                       Charles von Bermuth-Faber Int'l Films
2002 Excellence in the Arts Awards      Announcer/HAL               City of Thousand Oaks/Adelphia Cable
Vista Bus of Ventura                                Principal                                                         Accugraphics, Inc.
Simi Valley 1st Honda                              Principal                                                 Charles Haley & Assoc.
Hamburger Helper                                  Dayplayer                                          Richter & Friends, Chicago
What the Butler Saw                                   Nick                                  Vivamorem Prods. Hillcrest CFTPA
Lover's Mayhem                                     Jonathan                     DOMA Theater Co./Secret Rose Theater
The Perfect Gift                                        Chuck                                         CMT/Promenade at Westlake
P.E.R.S.O.N.A.LS.                                 Typesetter                                  Palmer Prod./Baldwin Park PAC
School House Rock Live                            Joe                                                       Cabrillo Music Theater
The Will Roger Follies                            Wiley Post                                               Cabrillo Music Theater
Poor Devils                                                 Roy                                           Stage Left Theater, Chicago
Hair                                                           Berger                           IU Creative Arts Aud., Bloomington, IN
Peter Pan                                            Captain Hook                              Vanderburgh Aud., Evansville, IN
Guys and Dolls                                   Nathan Detroit                                    North Theater, Evansville, IN
Wizard of Oz                                      Tin Woodsman                                    North Theater, Evansville, IN
Julius Ceaser                                    Metellus Cimber                                     IU Theater, Bloomington, IN
Acting:                               Atlantic Theater, NY (William H. Macy, Lee Cohn, Scott Zigler)
Voice:                                Charles Padilla, Cheryl Martin, Cheri Spicer, Terry Becker
Speech/Dialect:                 Marion Michael
Movement:                        George Pinney
Shakespeare:                   Dough Finlayson
Musical Theatre:               Robert Stoll
Dialects:                           German, N.English (Cockney), S. English (London), Latino, Aussie, N.Mass.
On Camera:                     Alissa Berner
Jazz Fred Walton, Ricki Newman; Ballet Jacques Cesbron; Modern Kim Olive
                                                   Tap Barbara Radaceki
Improv                              Improv Olympic
Indiana University, Theater BA/Film certificate
Special Skills
Singing:        Solo training and various choruses, including "Singing Hoosiers" at the IU School of Music
Languages:  Spanish, Italian (pronunciation)
Athletics:      Soccer (13yrs. competitive exp., Soccer Choreographer for Chicago prod. of The Bovver   
), Snowboarding, Surfing, Martial Arts (Tae Kwon do, Kickboxing, Karate), Tennis,      
                    Rollerblading, Wakeboarding, Barefoot Waterskiing, Juggling.
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