Roscoe Gryzwinski
Employee Statistics:
Earth Native
Birthdate: July 21, 20--
100% Carbon Based Life Form
Brown Hair, Brown Eyes
Digestive Tract replaced by
        Glock Symbiotic Culture

Father's Family Name: Gryzwinski (Earthling)
Mother's Family Name: Wardinski (Earthling)
Roscoe Gryzwinski.  Nearly a High School graduate, he has been very active in the food
service industry for the last decade, having achieved employment in over 20 restaurants,
cafeterias and bars.  His most notable positions have been included Slop Room Manager,
Bouncers' Training Dummy, and Fry-a-lator Technician.

Roscoe describes what brought him to work for DIPS:

"I was livin' at my girlfriend's place till she told me my best friend was movin' in, too.  Turns
out he was moving into her bedroom, so, after, like, two months of this, I figured it was over,
so I said, 'I'm outta here'  and moved out.  My mom was like 'I don't want you movin' back
here, if you can't keep a job, go be homeless, at least they got a union.'  So I was like,
okay, till I saw a "Help Wanted" poster for DIPS.  It said I could sign up and travel the
galaxy and get paid for it.  Since most of my stuff was torched by my ex-girlfriend anyway, I
didn't need storage, so I joined up."

Roscoe has successfully graduated from his initial DIPS training, passing adequately his
Space Travel and Etiquette classes, as well has his weeks of intensive Heavy Lifting
Training, earning him the position of HLD (Heavy Lifting Designate) on his first shipping
mission.  He has been assigned on the DIPS Ship Upton under the supervised 90 day
probation of Commander Firestone Q. Josh.
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