Ms. Ramona Simmons
Employee Statistics:
Earth Native
Birthdate: O
ctober 2, 20--
100% Carbon Based Life Form
lack Hair, Brown Eyes
as a "Supervisor" chip implanted in her brain
in order to better command those beneath her.

Father's Family Name:  S
immons (Earthling)
Mother's Family Name:  J
ohnson (Syphton 5)
Ramona Simmons began her career with DIPS in 2104.  She was hired directly into the Internship
Delving into Outreach Teamwork program (I.D.I.O.T.)  where she successfully operated an inner-city
Android Community Center focused on getting Androids off of the streets and into low paying,
dead-end jobs.  (To learn more about DIPS internships, link

Ramona secured her job in Middle Management Supervisory due to the company's well established
"hire without" policy.  The policy rewards complete strangers with high end jobs, while holding back long
term, dedicated employees who obviously have nothing more to contribute to the company or else they
wouldn't still be working here.

Ramona enjoyed several months worth of lateral moves through the company to establish her control
as an authority figure.  Her intense demanding style of management has won her over with the Upper
Management staff, who find her twisted desire to squash and control perfect for the company.  

She is due another promotion in a matter of weeks.
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