After an overwhelming demand by DIPS customers who were concerned their packages
were being mishandled, lost on purpose, or devoured by aliens for the entertainment of
the crews, DIPS has implemented this new feature entitled "View the Crew."
Choosing a random mission through the standard "eenie-meanie-mineie moe"
technique, the first ship to be featured is the DIPS Ship, Upton.
As new Data Streams are recorded, they will be posted here, so check back often to
see the entire Mission Alpha
You will need "Adobe Flash Player" to view this video. You may click HERE to download your free copy of it.
Learn more about Jefferson Davis Delphinus and the humble origins of D.I.P.S. DIPS HISTORY
Check out the Android Undead Union site, and support equal opportunities like DIPS Corp. does! AUU #34